The top part of the head is known as the balding zone or Alopecic zone. It is common to lose hair in that area because the balding zone is susceptible to the hormones that cause baldness: testosterone, androgens, and DHT. On the contrary, the hair on the sides and back of the head is genetically immune to those hormones, so it is usually not lost.

The hair transplant procedure is performed by Dr. George Zonto a specialized surgeon, and is performed under local anesthesia. It involves the transfer of hair from the donor to the affected area. The two main techniques for hair transplantation are the FUE method and the Strip method. The differences are: According to the FUE method, the hair is extracted and transplanted as individual hair follicle units. No stitches are required and the recovery is very quick. In the Strip method, a part of the skin (up to two inches wide) is removed with a scalpel from the standard hair growth area or donor area. The graft obtained is divided into individual hair follicle units, where the hair is separated under a microscope. During the Strip procedure, sutures are required that create a linear scar in the donor area. The recovery also requires a longer amount of time.

The duration of the transplantation procedure depends on the amount of hair that needs to be transplanted. Usually, Dr Zontos transplants up to 2,000 grafts or 6,000 hairs in a day. If the extent of your baldness requires up to 2,000 grafts, the procedure will be completed in one day. In case more grafts are required, several sessions in the clinic may be needed.

Prior to surgery, patients undergo local anesthesia so zero or minimal pain is ensured. Patients usually watch TV or talk during the transplant.

With the FUE method, the recovery process is usually a matter of a few days for most patients. The bandage that the doctor places on the donor area after the procedure is completed is removed the next day. There is no chance of swelling on the forehead, while small wounds on the scalp heal in seven to ten days. Some redness may be experienced for the same period of time or a little more depending on the extent of the operation and the color of the patient’s skin.

Yes, transplanted hair looks completely natural and is permanent. These are hairs acquired from the patient’s body and are identical to his natural hair. Also, transplanted hair is resistant to the hormones that cause baldness and will continue to grow permanently. The result is and looks 100% natural.