The main distinction between Body Hair FUE (BHFUE) and the standard FUE Hair Transplantation technique is that in the former, the Follicular Units used as grafts during the procedure, come from other parts of the body instead of the head.
Specifically, the Follicular Units or grafts are collected directly from the beard, chest, back or hands. The grafts are extracted from the donor area using local anaesthesia. The extraction of hair follicles from the beard is preferable to that from the other areas mentioned above because:
- The size of the hair collected from this area is much greater compared to hair from the rest of the body.
- The healing process is much faster, with much less scarring, and minimal hypopigmentation.
Hair from the beard has a longer anagen phase and therefore grows longer than other body hair, providing far better volume.
Body hair follicles extracted from various donor areas are isolated and extracted without blades with no need for stitches. The tiny wounds in the donor area are fully healed within six days of the procedure.
Beard hair is an excellent alternative for patients with scalp donor area limitations. It can also be used for local restoration of bald areas, as well as the repair of noticeable scars caused by the Strip method or medical procedures.
Body Hair Transplantation technique potentially extends the donor region to the rest of the body and allows the doctor to collect hairs from other parts of the body other than the head. Therefore, patients suffering from severe cases of hair loss will achieve excellent results.