Always among the trailblazers of Hair Rehabilitation, Dr. George Zontos, MD, PhD, FISHRS participated for another year in the 29th Annual World Congress of the International Society for Hair Rehabilitation Surgery (ISHRS), held in hybrid form (on site & online), in Lisbon, Portugal. From the 21st to the 23rd of October 2021, the world accredited experts in hair transplantation and hair loss discussed and participated in lectures and presentations on the latest developments in the field of Hair Rehabilitation.
The aim of the annual conference was to evaluate new and old techniques and methods in many aspects of hair restoration surgery, medical treatments, and complementary therapies. In addition, internationally recognized surgeons assessed the multiple causes of hair loss and discussed the best and safest solutions for optimal results for the patient.
Dr. Zontos was a panelist in General Session 2, about the very important issue of the impact of COVID-19 on hair loss, and he discussed the best practices during the pandemic. This session was attended by excellent colleagues from many countries:
Ken Washenik, MD, PhD, FISHRS | USA (Moderator), Luis A. Nader, MD | Mexico (Co-Moderator), James A. Harris, MD, FISHRS | USA, Gorana Kuka Epstein, MD, FISHRS | Serbia, Nicole E. Rogers, MD, FISHRS | USA, Russell Knudsen, MBBS, FISHRS | Australia, and Bruno F. Ferreira, MD | Portugal.